1. Safety Statement AND POLICY
1. Rationale and Purpose
The safety statement is a written commitment to managing safety and health in our service.We are committed to safeguarding the children in our care and to providing a safe environment where children can play, learn and develop.It is a safety statement within the meaning of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.Our statement is developed in accordance with the Health and Safety Authority: A Guide to Risk Assessments and Safety Statements www.hsa.ie/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Safety_and_Health_Management/Guide_to_Risk_Assessments_and_Safety_Statements.pdf
2. Procedures and Practices
We have developed my safety statement using the www.besmart.ie/ online tool that has guided me through the risk assessment process.Our safety statement is specific to our service.See Our attached safety statement:A written Safety Statement is required under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 for safeguarding safety and health in the workplace.It is the policy of Sligo Woodland School to ensure as far as possible, the safety, health and Welfare of the children, through the provision of safe place of work and safe systems of working. It is also the policy of this service to ensure the safety of parents/guardians and other visitors to Sligo Woodland SchoolThe policy requires the complete observance of all elements of this safety statement by all the adults, with responsibility being taken seriously by those to whom they are assigned.It is Sligo Woodland School  intention to review this statement in the light of experience and development whenever necessary.I have read and understand the safety statement above and agree to comply with it.

3. Communication of Policy
Date policy was written:3/11/2022
Date policy reviewed: 3/11/2023
Date policy is to be reviewed:3/11/2024

Child protection policy
1. Rationale and PurposeThe Irish government recommends that practitioners follow a set of guidelines for best practice and ensure that all practice is lawful (The  Child Care Acts 1991 and  2001 and Children First, National Guidance, 2017).  These guidelines state that:The safety and well-being of the child must take priorityAny reasonable concern or suspicion of abuse or neglect must elicit a response.It is the responsibility of all adults who come into contact with children to protect their wellbeing and to be alert to the fact that they may be suffering harm, abuse or neglect.Implementation of current child protection and welfare reporting procedures informed by information from Children First, National Guidance, 2017 with information on Mandated Persons and how they report This policy states how Sligo Woodland School will address these issues.2. Procedures and Practices
Sligo Woodland School  aims to provide guidelines for best practice with regards to child protection and to provide service users and provides with a point of reference.Children are vulnerable and it is the duty of all adults to protect children. Whilst using this service all children will be protected from harm and kept safe. The framework for best practice is a TUSLA/DCYA policy document called ‘Children First’. This document that will ensure that practice will be in the child’s best interests and aimed at protecting them from harm. The guidelines within Children First (2017) are used at Sligo Woodland School  In PracticeThis means that:We avail of child protection trainingService users will be made aware of adults other than I who may be present occasionally (eg visitors, families, parents)There will be an emergency person on call during opening hoursWritten records of all accidents and incidents are kept in line with current guidelinesAny child protection concerns or issues, (from discussions with parents to reporting to Tusla)  are to be followed within the Responding to and Reporting a Child Protection or Welfare Concern Policy as required by Children First National Guidelines 2017Any information relating to child protection issues will be stored as required by the current guidelines in a separate secure place and will only be accessed on a need to know basis as outlined in Children First National Guidelines 2017
3. Communication of PolicyWe will make a copy of this Child Protection policy available to all parents and guardians.The Child Protection policy will be brought to the attention of visitors that may be exposed to any risks.We welcome discussion, questions or comments on this policy.
4. Date of Policy and Childminder’s SignatureDate policy was written:3/11/2022Date policy reviewed: 3/11/2023Date policy is to be reviewed:3/11/2024signature:

Child Safeguarding Statement

Sligo Woodland School is an outdoor service providing woodland activities for children, young people and family through camps and session:

The structure is:

Contact PersonPatricia Maclaughlin – Owner
Address / EircodeContact Number(s)0877474189
Email addressSligowoodlandschool@gmail.com

Commitment to Safeguarding Children from Harm

  • Our Service is committed to safeguarding the children in our care and to providing a safe environment in which they can play, learn and develop. I support the significance of their ability to initiate, test and sustain interest in the natural world around them. In particular I support children’s right to play; principally outdoor free play and in a natural or woodland environment which presents vibrant and unlimited learning opportunities.
  • Our service believes that the welfare of the children attending the service is paramount. I am committed to child-centred practice in all my work with children. Further to this, I support children to take appropriate risks that will maintain and progress healthy development and to experience a range of emotions that will build resilience and empathy.
  • We are committed to upholding the rights of every child and young person who attends the service, including the rights to be kept safe and protected from harm, listened to, and heard.

Our statement is developed in accordance with the Health and Safety Authority:

  • Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children
  • Guidance on Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement (www.tusla.ie)
  • Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice (www.tusla.ie)
  • Our child safeguarding statement is specific to our service.
  •  Our policy declaration applies to all volunteers, and families  within our organisation. All volunteers and families must sign up to and abide by the policies, procedures and guidance encompassed by this policy declaration and our child safeguarding policy and accompanying procedures.
  • We will review my child safeguarding statement and accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures on the 14/02/2023 or sooner if necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national policy.
  • Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for Child Protection
DLP:Trisha MacLaughlin, ownerContact details: 0877474189, trisha.maclaughlin@gmail.comDeputy:Jackie MaguireContact details: colourstringsmusicwithjackie@gmail.com

Risk Assessment

In accordance with the Children First Act 2015, I have carried out an assessment of any potential harm to a child while attending my service or participating in  activities. A written assessment setting out the areas of risk identified and the service procedures for managing those risks is summarized below:

Risk IdentifiedPolicies and/or Procedures in place to manage Risk
Outdoor Play and LearningPolicies and Procedures followed regarding daily risk assessment before outing, risk assessment of regular sites visited, outings checklist filled in and visit assessed and changed if necessary (additional aduly my be required). Parents informed of all outings details and drop off and collection place.Outings away from the setting may be undertaken in accordance with public health advice/guidance.
Drop off andCollection timeMake sure parents follow procedures when children areleaving premises, front gate closed on entry and leaving and do not run out onto the footpath or road
EmergencyPersonFollow garda vetting policy and regularly check their current availability
Garda Vetting and Re vettingCheck all vetting verified and in date
Visitors to the service
Procedures in place – visitors are required to sign in andout, the sign in book is kept in entrance
COVID-19Polices and procedures are in place to minimize the risk of COVID 19 which inform collection and drop off times, outings and the visitors to the setting. A response plan in place is a case or suspected case occurs

Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

Sligo Woodland School aims to provide guidelines for best practice with regards to child safeguarding and to provide service users and provides with a point of reference.

Principle and RationaleOur Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our service:Procedure to maintain a list of mandated persons under the Children First Act, 2015A Relevant Person has been appointedA Designated Liaison Person and Deputy have been appointedChild Protection and Welfare Reporting Procedures to TuslaConfidentiality PolicyPolicy for Managing Accidents and Incidents
  • We recognize that implementation is an ongoing process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures that support my intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of my service.
  • This Statement will be reviewed on 3/9/2023 or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.
  • This statement has been emailed to the parents and relevant persons and is displayed in the service.   It has been provided to any other persons involved with the service. It is readily accessible to parents and guardians on request. A copy of this Statement will be made available to Tusla if requested.  

Signed: _____ ____                Date: __3/11/2023_____

Reviewed: signed _________ Date: __3/11/2024